Dr. Stefano Giacomini, MD Pr. Thompson George.

    Durante la nostra visita statunitense, abbiamo avuto l'occasione, grazie al MD Pr. Thompson, di vistare una delle più grandi collezioni di scheletri umani al mondo e di confrontarci con gli esperti in merito all'importanza che questa collezione offre nello studio antropometrico e successiva realizzazione di mezzi di sintesi anatomicamente conformi alle reali dimensioni.

    Ortopedici pediatri Dott. Onofrio Donzelli ed il Dott. Carlo Origo, hanno tenuto un corso in Kazakistan dedicato alle nuove tecnologie dei nuovi sistemi Orthopediatrics. Il tutto è stato organizzato da Medical 2011 di Davide Gardenghi e Sandra Sieff.

    Designed with a complete focus on children, the RESPONSE system offers a simple, technologically advanced system of instruments and implants to treat spinal deformity.

    The system features (1) unique Set Screw design for better fixation and easy insertion, (2) Low Profile screws designed for pediatric indications and (3) versatile Snap-Fit Rod Reduction/Coupled derotation instruments.

    The RESPONSE Spine System has been used in over 150 surgeries and is one of the only spinal system cleared for pediatric application on the market.

    Product Information

    •     unique set screw design
    •     low profile 5.5mm system
    •     versatile rod reduction/coupled de-rotation
    •     pediatric clearance

    OrthoPediatrics announces the launch of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction System featuring ShieldLoc™ and ArmorLink™. The OrthoPediatrics ACL Reconstruction System is the first and only system designed with the developing patient in mind, comprised of a single system with innovative, safe instruments and implants.

    With the partnership of leading Pediatric Orthopedic Sports Medicine surgeons and based on core principles of ACL reconstruction techniques, OrthoPediatrics has developed an unparalleled system that provides a safe alternative to conventional ACL reconstruction options in the developing patient.

    With the partnership of leading Pediatric Orthopedic Sports Medicine surgeons and based on core principles of ACL reconstruction techniques, OrthoPediatrics has developed an unparalleled system that provides a safe alternative to conventional ACL reconstruction options in the developing patient.